10 Mar


According to world news, the reported deaths from affected countries has now reached more than three thousand and still counting. This is due to the widespread of deadly disease, a pestilence called coronavirus. But the number may even rise if the situation persists and if it’s not contained proximately. However, the governments are doing all the necessary preventive measures to avert the spread of the said ailment while losing millions of revenues day after day because of business closures and low tourism rates. This is now a worldwide phenomenon that even the most intelligent people couldn’t explain how and haven’t found the solution to surmount the rising threat of the disease. Moreover, since the news of this pandemic became prevalent, most of the public turn out to be aware of the danger that they became fearful too. People felt paranoid and or extremely nervous assuming that they might acquire the disease at any time. For example, those who work in the medical field whom I observed have the most protest and yet they were supposed to understand and know how to treat the situation. Undoubtedly, the situation has not only made a major blow to the world economy but also instill fear and cause alarm to many. This, however, should not scare the true believers in Christ who have the real faith in God. Those whose hearts are truly devoted and committed to the Lord need not fear but be at peace with the One who could save them from this dangerous time. Shamefully, out of the number of people who are afraid, many or maybe the most were those who profess to be Christian believers who unfortunately joined the numerous that fear the terror of the day and the affliction of the ungodly. Fear leads them away from God instead of coming closer to Him. You could recognize those who truly believe from those who are not serious with their relationship and service to God. As the plague continues to devastate the world, they isolate themselves too. Adding to their worries is the fact that they do not know if the person whom they are dealing with is free from the virus so they disassociate from people and even quarantined themselves inside their houses thinking that they are safe. But the truth is, there is no safe place in the world nowadays other than in the presence of God. Yet, people don’t realize and understand that.

Considering the current situation and the persistence of the coronavirus together with all the other catastrophes and global concerns, we can sum up that there is nothing we can do but to turn to God, seek Him and ask for His mercy. The real problem was and is still today and is not the presence of this deadly virus but it's the disobedience of men -GENESIS 3. Disobedience has been the starting point of all disasters and curses. In the beginning, all that God has in mind for man was good and perfect. Unfortunately, the man has turned away and did not heed the command of God. Meanwhile, the relationship between God and His creation has become and has been strange ever since. Marking that man was alienated, cast out from the presence of God because of disobedience. What happened in the past is still happening today and that people had not learned but continue to be disobedient. While it was prophesied by the Lord Jesus Christ before that in these last days, many dreadful fearful events will happen, it doesn’t take away the fact that the disobedience of man has contributed a lot that God has so many reasons to send His judgment to his creation despite that He is a gracious loving God. We can only find comfort if we are true to our calling and devotion. Understanding that the present situation is a test of our faith in Him and that we should not be discouraged but to keep on serving Him no matter the cost. We may not be exempted from all troubles but as He who promised is faithful, He will protect us and keep us from any terror the world may bring -PSALM 91.

God is in full control of everything and in Him is the only solution to all the problems. The existing plague or pestilence is not just happening accidentally anywhere but it is a reminder of the wrath of God that sets Him apart from being so loving. We know that God is loving and gracious but it doesn’t mean that He will leave the sinners unpunished just to prove to us His love. The fact that we are still alive and enjoying His provisions every day is a great manifestation of His love and grace. We cannot comprehend His judgments and He knows whether we are doing the right thing or not. So, we cannot use His grace and love as an excuse to conceal our disobedience. If that was the case, then He should not have thrown lucifer from heaven the same way Him casting off Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden(paradise). Is he not a gracious and loving God then by punishing them? No! He remains the same. His love and grace are still active and applied today but not the way we look at but by the way He dispenses. Furthermore, this plague is also a warning that unless we all repent and come to Him in humility, we will not be spared from now and on to the more dreadful events that are coming. Lastly, we are to be watchful and ready because we are now living in the last days. As written in the word of God, all these are the signs that must happen before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ -MATTHEW 24. He will come not to save the world again but to take His saints and inflict judgment on the world. Very well, if these events have not yet opened our eyes to see and understand that all these things that are happening are in the control of God then we should all be warned now to restore our relationship to God. If you by now are still living in disobedient then you should repent now and be spared from judgment or tomorrow may be too late. To all of us then who are still hoping and fighting the good fight of faith, by the grace and mercy of God let us not be shaken by what people thought and say against us and by what is happening. Rather, let us remain faithful to our calling, having ourselves purified daily by the word of God, proclaiming the Gospel at all costs, self-denial, living in love, unselfish and in all worthy manner, especially loving God above all.