11 Jun


 1 Samuel 2:12-36

God commands worship because He is the creator of everything. He alone deserves it! The problem is, Satan blinded the eyes and minds of many people that they became arrogant and they also want the worship themselves. Self-will and pride entered the heart of man causing it to be calloused and doesn’t want to submit in His authority. In turn, they treated worship with contempt. Contempt means disregard or disrespect or an act of despising someone or something. Disregarding worship is unacceptable because it is disrespecting God. This writing presents an illustration of how worship is despised and its consequences. Eli was a priest and judge sometimes in Israel, had two sons named Hophni and Phinehas. They belonged to the tribe of Levi whom God called exclusively to perform the priestly ministries. As priests, they do not have any inheritance of the land because they were bound to serve the Lord completely at the temple (Numbers 18:20-24). Their portion from the Lord was the tithes that the people were offering. Unfortunately, Eli’s sons took advantage of their position to satisfy their lust for power. They became corrupt and scorn the offerings and sacrifices made to God. Thus, the integrity of priesthood was defiled and in jeopardy. What made it more so unacceptable was, their father Eli did little to restrain his sons even though he knew what was happening. Compromising his position as judge and high priest at that time. Eventually, they all suffered the judgment of God because they did not repent.

This is a very important lesson not to treat the holy things of God with contempt. Offering sacrifices and offerings is an act of worship. So, whether a priest, a pastor, a leader, or a member of the church, they are not to touch what is due and is already offered to God. In other words, they shall not eat what is due to the Lord because it is already His and it becomes sacred. For God has chosen certain people to take care of His holy things. Once the sons of Eli put their hands on the sacrifices of the people that were offered to God, they became abhorrent and disdain to God. And it was only in a matter of time before they received the punishment of their actions. Have to warn fellow believers not to disrespect worship and sacrifices offered to God. Take note that curse and judgment fall to Eli and his sons when they disregard the offerings of the Lord. Such as; God removed them from their position and took back His oath to them as priests forever (1 Samuel 2:27-30). Proving that eating the sacrifices for God could lead to the withdrawal of blessings that God gave. God said, “Those who honor Me I will honor, but those who despised me will be disdained.” After the withdrawal of their priestly ministry, God would then swear to them that their lives will be shortened throughout their family line (1 Samuel 2:31). Because of that, there will not be an old man in their clan. After which, followed by sorrow and distress throughout their family (verse 33). It also happened that the blessing which God took away from them was apportioned to somebody who deserves it (verse 35). Lastly, the dew of heaven is withheld and so famine and poverty arise (verse 36). When the Israelites went to battle together with the sons of Eli, they were routed by the enemy and were killed. Upon hearing the news that the Ark of the covenant was captured and his sons were killed, Eli fell backward of his chair, his neck was broken and he died (1 Samuel 4:12-18). 

God will always remember what he pronounced. Like all His promises and curses were written in the scriptures. And He will fulfill it at the precise time He wanted. That is what happened to Eli and his sons. The word of the Lord shall come to pass and it will not be delayed nor return to Him void (1 Samuel 3:12-13). So, worship has to be honored and not be treated with contempt lest the wrath of God will fall like what He did to Eli’s family.