26 Feb


Why do we need to pray unceasingly? The fact that we are living in the last days and the evil world worsens before our very eyes, we must have to activate our genuine faith. There is nothing we can do but to pray and keep on believing in the mighty power of God. So, instead of observing what is to come and what will happen, all true believers in Christ should act and find a way to keep their faith active. As the word of God says; “pray continually or unceasingly.” One of the major components in keeping our spiritual lives active is through prayer. Prayer would keep us victorious. A life without prayer is an empty life. Prayer is referred to as the backbone of the church so without it is, like no pillar can hold the whole structure. Christian believers should not underestimate the power of prayer but instead, practice it over their lives every day and anywhere. As it should be because even the devil and his children are locked up too and they are more than willing to do everything to destroy God’s people and His work. Be warned that it is those who do not pray and believed are the ones who are easily deceived and carried away by the devil. The application of prayer should not be limited only when we are in trouble or only when we need something. Let us not treat God like grocery stores or supermarkets that we only come to Him once in a while when we needed something.

Given God’s mercy, I appeal to every Christian believer to uphold a habit of prayer. Prayer should be our lifestyle as it is with our worship. We cannot separate prayer from our spiritual lives like eating our daily meals. If you do then you will be lost and you will be dead. Maintaining our prayer life is like preserving our relationship with God. You can be assured that your connection to Him is alive so long as you are having communication with Him. All Relationships last through communication. It relies heavily on spending time together whether physically or talking through online and especially on prayer.   Our bond with God is much more important than all our earthly relationships including families, friends, and spouses. The Lord Jesus Christ himself talked about it when He said in the gospel of Luke 14:26 that, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters-yes, even his life-he cannot be my disciple.” Not only did Jesus talked about it but He did confirm the seriousness of serving the Lord, He said “yes.” From a human point of view, this must be sarcastic, unkind or uncaring but for God, it is not! It seems to contradict but it is not. It is a matter of knowing and setting our priorities. Going back to prayer, it is required for every believer to pray unceasingly with ferventness, without doubting and most essentially pray in the Spirit according to God’s will. There are many reasons, many ways, and means why and how we pray to God. But we know that even before we utter all of our prayers, the Lord has the answer already. So, no matter what is our prayer to God, let us come before Him in humility and honesty. The answer of God doesn’t come by our many words but by our sincerity of hearts when we pray. Hebrews 4:16, “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” PUSH! Pray until something happens.