2 Corinthians 9:6 “Remember this; whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
The biblical principle of sowing generously applies to both the spiritual and physical. You sow a little and you expect to reap many? No, it will not happen! The Bible clearly states that you have to sow generously to reap generously. That remains the standard. The Apostle Paul gave further details when he said that each man should give what he decides in his heart to offer, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Yes, you read it right! God loves a cheerful giver who does it out of love and willingness. For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable. In this way, the grace of God will abound in every way to meet all that we need. When Paul said that each man should give what he decides in his heart to give, he pointed out that no one is forced to do so, but rather, do according to the word of God.
Generosity is encouraged. No one is to serve God selfishly and hoarding everything that he has. It is crucial to note that selfish people have no part of the blessings and in the kingdom of God. “For whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered”, Proverbs 21:13. The bible states too many verses that speaks about generosity. Too much knowledge is inadequate without the love and the willingness to act on it. God himself displayed this willingness to give through the life of His Son Jesus Christ. The churches in Macedonia, for example, also permeate this kind of attribute even though they were in severe trials and poverty. It didn’t hinder them to freely give as much as they were able and beyond expectations. This surprised the Apostle Paul and prompted him to urge the Corinthian churches to do the same. Today, every Christian believer should also render such kind of service for the will of God to be accomplished. Be a part now and be a recipient of the great blessing that is prepared ahead of us.