The Rich man and the Beggar – Luke 16:19-31
In this story of Jesus, He used a rich man and a beggar as an illustration. They are two kinds of people in a different state. The rich man was living a luxurious life every day while the beggar called Lazarus was so sick and was deprived of food and wealth. In many cases, the rich were described as the villain while the poor were called heroes because many wealthy people were lording over those who are unfortunate. But that is not always the case because there are also rich people who are very kind and generous. The question now is; is it bad to become rich? Let’s find out! The kingdom of God is not a matter of who is wealthy and who is not. The Bible says; “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26. In other words, our soul is more important than the riches of this world. Be careful not to prioritize the things of this world but rather the things that will save your soul. Where will a person be when he or she dies? Death is certain as hell and heaven is also certain. Just like the rich man and Lazarus, they both die separately and were judge accordingly. It is not a sin to become rich because God himself is a rich God and He wants us to be prosperous. But having all the riches does not guarantee us of everything, it can even compromise our safety.
The rich man was taken to hell directly where he was in tormenting pain while Lazarus was carried on to Abraham's side where he was comforted and at peace. That moment, everything has changed for the rich man. It was only then that he realized his sins but already late for repentance. The money that made him abusive and hardhearted did not save him from going to hell. That only means one thing; the amount of money we have is not as important as the way we use. Spiritually speaking, all kinds of wealth and even fame cannot save anybody. Money is a temporary thing and it should not be treated as more valuable than what is eternal. What is your attitude toward your money and possessions? Do you hoard them selfishly, or do you use them to help others and in serving the Lord? This story should give us enlightenment and be more responsible for the wealth that God has given us. To make it clearer, God has blessed you in every way so that in ever way also, you will be a blessing to Him and others. Your wealth is not yours but is only entrusted to you by the Giver. Be a good and responsible steward. The rich man’s ending up in hell was not the result of him being wealthy, but because he was so selfish and doesn’t even help and feed Lazarus although he has everything.
As for the poor beggar, Lazarus, when he died, he was taken up to heaven and is now enjoying the true riches of God apart from the sufferings he endured during his life on earth. It doesn’t mean that you have to be poor to be qualified for heaven. Lazarus was just one example that our situation should not hinder us from doing the will of God. We might be poor of worldly things but we can be rich with heavenly possessions which are the most essential and eternal. Our faith in God should not be decided by what we have. As a true believer and follower of Christ, always be thankful and be content of what God has given you. True riches are not found in this world but heaven above.